Stackars lille Ollie!
Nu har jag skrivit ett långt inlägg till Ellen som skrev att Ollie var skadad, jag tyckte genast apsynd om honom och hjältinna som jag är skrev jag till Ellen att jag skulle skriva något till Ollie.
Dear Ollie
I hope you'll get well soon. I acctually just promised Ellen that I would write long, but that's to boring. And yeah, Biggan and I (you know that girl that I was talking about because I thought it was so funny that she was called Big when she acctually is small like a, okay I can't come up with anything now, but small) are totally going to Paris when white lies plays so we'll meet then, and btw, she totally adores you since I told her that you're from Bristol (she was the one who showed skins to me). And I said that you were just like those kids when you were young, and she can't stop talking about it. It's very important that you will listen to Late Of The Pier some time, they're the best! I listened to La Roux, ab fab, that's the only thing I will say 'bout them! I've painted the whole place here in Småland, and I thought I was brown when I came home from France, but you can't see that anymore, my legs are just white (from painting) LONG. See you in october! // Augusta
Jag älskar att jag har typ femtio tusen stavfel, men vad ska man göra när man inet är bra på engelska, hoppas i varje fall att han förstår vad det står, hade varit lite B annars.
Ellen och Ollie!
Vad sägs? Ska man kanske gå ut på taket och äta körsbär? JA! // Augusta
Dear Ollie
I hope you'll get well soon. I acctually just promised Ellen that I would write long, but that's to boring. And yeah, Biggan and I (you know that girl that I was talking about because I thought it was so funny that she was called Big when she acctually is small like a, okay I can't come up with anything now, but small) are totally going to Paris when white lies plays so we'll meet then, and btw, she totally adores you since I told her that you're from Bristol (she was the one who showed skins to me). And I said that you were just like those kids when you were young, and she can't stop talking about it. It's very important that you will listen to Late Of The Pier some time, they're the best! I listened to La Roux, ab fab, that's the only thing I will say 'bout them! I've painted the whole place here in Småland, and I thought I was brown when I came home from France, but you can't see that anymore, my legs are just white (from painting) LONG. See you in october! // Augusta
Jag älskar att jag har typ femtio tusen stavfel, men vad ska man göra när man inet är bra på engelska, hoppas i varje fall att han förstår vad det står, hade varit lite B annars.
Ellen och Ollie!
Vad sägs? Ska man kanske gå ut på taket och äta körsbär? JA! // Augusta
Postat av: ellen
hahahha, augusta, du r bara den roligaste! Gick in på din blogg igår, hade glömt att läsa den ett par veckor o du hade uppaterat så mycket! Jag visade bloggen för ollie igår och han frågade om du skrivit något om honom, jag bara "liiiiiideee hon skulle skriva om dig, hon skriver såklart om sina bästa brollor" och sen dagen efter har du skrivit ett brev till olle bolle! han kommer hem snart, då ska jag visa det för honom! han kommer bli jätteglad!